Expense Report: October 2015

Expense Report: October 2015

October is a face-punch month for me with lots of additional expenses compared to previous months. The haze issue that’s plaguing Singapore resulted in a huge reduction in bike commutes to work and I also spent more money dining in restaurants. Fortunately, I didn’t go too overboard with the spendings and Net Savings rate stayed at 80% this…

A different perspective on the Supplementary Retirement Scheme
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A different perspective on the Supplementary Retirement Scheme

The Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) was started in 2011 2001 and is part of the Singapore government’s multi-pronged strategy to address the financial needs of a greying population by helping Singaporeans to save more for their old age. It is operated by the private sector (mainly local banks). Participating in SRS is voluntary and you can contribute…

Mustachian Googler lives in a van while working in Google and saves 90% of his income

Mustachian Googler lives in a van while working in Google and saves 90% of his income

In recent Mustachian news, a Google engineer called Brandon received his 15 minutes of fame when he was found to be living inside a 16-foot 2006 Ford truck and lived in the Google parking lot for free. Unless you have been living under a rock, you’d know that it’s common knowledge that Google pays its employees well…