
Why We Should Be Open to Talking About Money

Why We Should Be Open to Talking About Money

The Importance of Salary Transparency and Why People Should Be Open to Talking About Money In today’s evolving workplace, salary transparency is more important than ever. Open discussions about pay can lead to a fairer and more equitable work environment, empowering employees and fostering trust within organizations. Despite these benefits, discussing money remains taboo for…

Understanding Privilege and Personal Effort: A Balanced Perspective
Others | Retirement

Understanding Privilege and Personal Effort: A Balanced Perspective

Recently, I was invited to visiting a nursing home to advice on the home’s marketing strategy. The visit gave me two profound insights. First, the privilege of having cognitive abilities to do things like building a career, and second, meeting a volunteer who had built a fashion business over 10 years, allowing him to volunteer…

Life Updates: How to Learn Better and How I Monetised My Low-Value Hours
Personal Development | Personal Finance

Life Updates: How to Learn Better and How I Monetised My Low-Value Hours

It has been 6 months since I embarked on my career break to take the opportunity to reassess my life, priorities, and how I value time. Initially, I hoped to recharge and explore new interests, but I also went through a period of immense personal growth and discovery. It was also very enjoyable to have…

If Buy Term, Invest the Rest is So Good, Why Isn’t Everyone Doing It?
Insurance | Investment

If Buy Term, Invest the Rest is So Good, Why Isn’t Everyone Doing It?

The “Buy Term, Invest the Rest” (BTIR) strategy is often touted as a superior financial approach. By purchasing term life insurance and investing the savings from the lower premiums, individuals can potentially achieve better financial outcomes compared to buying whole life insurance. However, despite its apparent benefits, BTIR is not universally adopted. This article explores…