A different perspective on the Supplementary Retirement Scheme
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A different perspective on the Supplementary Retirement Scheme

The Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) was started in 2011 2001 and is part of the Singapore government’s multi-pronged strategy to address the financial needs of a greying population by helping Singaporeans to save more for their old age. It is operated by the private sector (mainly local banks). Participating in SRS is voluntary and you can contribute…

Getting the maximum payout with CPF Life plans and private annuities

Getting the maximum payout with CPF Life plans and private annuities

In my last article about CPF Life policy changes, I’ve analysed how the policy changes will affect my retirement plans and how I would aim to achieve the target of my projected Full Retirement Sum at the age of 55. Ever since changes to CPF Life plans were announced this year, I’ve been been thinking of…

Retirement lessons I learnt from long distance cycling last weekend

Retirement lessons I learnt from long distance cycling last weekend

I can pretty much consider October as the charity month of 2015 for me, having participated in a few charity events this month and the main highlight is Ride for Rainbows, a fundraising cycling event that is organised by Club Rainbow. Club Rainbow (Singapore) is a charitable organisation that relies solely on donations from compassionate corporations and kind-hearted individuals…

Free Singapore Retirement Planning Simulation Spreadsheet

Free Singapore Retirement Planning Simulation Spreadsheet

FREE Access to The Client Library Love our articles and templates? Get exclusive access to calculators, spreadsheets, infographics & more by signing up to The Client Library. Can I retire today? That’s the million dollar question that I ask myself from time to time. While I have a spreadsheet that tracks my expenses and provides…

If you want to retire, double your savings rate!
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If you want to retire, double your savings rate!

Everyone’s situation is different. The data from World Bank shows that Singapore has a gross savings rate of 47%, one of the highest in the world. Gross savings are calculated as gross national income less total consumption, plus net transfers. Considering that the average working Singaporeans before the age of 50 contributes 37% of their monthly salary to their…