Understanding Privilege and Personal Effort: A Balanced Perspective

Understanding Privilege and Personal Effort: A Balanced Perspective

Recently, I was invited to visiting a nursing home to advice on the home’s marketing strategy. The visit gave me two profound insights. First, the privilege of having cognitive abilities to do things like building a career, and second, meeting a volunteer who had built a fashion business over 10 years, allowing him to volunteer…

By popular demand: My favourite slides from the Seedly Personal Finance Festival
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By popular demand: My favourite slides from the Seedly Personal Finance Festival

Many readers have emailed me asking if I could share photos of the slides taken from the festival. Here are my favourite slides that were presented by the various speakers. I must highlight that it’s easy to take the images out of context if you weren’t present at the festival and heard it first hand…

Singapore Budget 2019: What middle class Singaporeans need to know

Singapore Budget 2019: What middle class Singaporeans need to know

In this article, I’ll be zeroing in on the things that I found relevant and important to middle class Singaporeans. Singaporeans who are making a decent monthly salary and are don’t always receive much benefits and support from the government. Last night, I spent 2 hours catching up on the Singapore Budget 2019, making notes…