My 6 key takeaways from the Seedly Personal Finance Festival 2019
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My 6 key takeaways from the Seedly Personal Finance Festival 2019

Today, I spent 8 hours on a Saturday at Singapore’s largest personal finance event – Seedly Personal Finance Festival 2019. I repeat, 8 whole hours! That’s the number of hours I spend in the office on a work day. Who would have thought that young adults would pay to wake up early on a Saturday…

Getting rental income from my rental property in Cambodia

Getting rental income from my rental property in Cambodia

For new readers, I bought a SOHO property at The Bridge, Cambodia and I saved diligently each month in order to pay for the purchase. After making my final payment for my SOHO apartment, I signed the tenancy lease agreement to officially allow the property developer manage the leasing of my apartment for the next…

Explain the power of compounding to your kid using magic
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Explain the power of compounding to your kid using magic

Explaining personal finance to kids can be very challenging, especially when it comes to the logic around compounding. Here’s a simple way to explain the power of compounding with your kids. Here’s how the conversation would be like between me and my imaginary son, Tom. Mickey: Tom, what would you rather have, $100,000 or a…

3 things I learnt about myself from Seedly’s recent event

3 things I learnt about myself from Seedly’s recent event

Seedly is probably the only company that is able to organize a finance event in Singapore that managed to get people in their 20-30s to show up for a 6-hour long event, and make them pay $30 to attend. On a lovely Saturday morning, I joined the bunch of lovely folks from Seedly at their exclusive…