1 out of 3 Singaporeans refuse to eat leftovers – Crazy!

1 out of 3 Singaporeans refuse to eat leftovers – Crazy!

As part of a six-week community initiative inspired to raise awareness of food waste in Singapore, Electrolux conducted a food waste at home survey with 1,000 respondents of ages between 18-65 from Singapore and the results are astounding (at least to me)! Almost 1 out of 3 respondents refuse to eat leftovers! What’s wrong with these people?…

Retirement lessons I learnt from long distance cycling last weekend

Retirement lessons I learnt from long distance cycling last weekend

I can pretty much consider October as the charity month of 2015 for me, having participated in a few charity events this month and the main highlight is Ride for Rainbows, a fundraising cycling event that is organised by Club Rainbow. Club Rainbow (Singapore) is a charitable organisation that relies solely on donations from compassionate corporations and kind-hearted individuals…

Expense Report: September 2015

Expense Report: September 2015

It’s back to the norm in September without any travelling and much discretionary expenses. Just when I thought last month’s Net Savings rate was going to be my all-time record high, I’ve smashed it yet again this month, recording a 83.92% Net Savings rate in September. Booyah! Transportation: $65.52 Commuting charges on the B.M.W (bus, MRT, walk) is…

Why Ivy Singh-Lim is wrong on blaming credit card companies for getting the young in debt

Why Ivy Singh-Lim is wrong on blaming credit card companies for getting the young in debt

Calling herself ‘the Gentle Warrior’, Ivy Singh-Lim is a familiar name in Singapore’s mainstream newspapers, often penning letters on issues that are close to her heart or being quoted on current topics about which she had a point to make. Recently, I chanced upon a Youtube video of Ivy Singh-Lim who was blaming credit card companies…

Free Singapore Retirement Planning Simulation Spreadsheet

Free Singapore Retirement Planning Simulation Spreadsheet

FREE Access to The Client Library Love our articles and templates? Get exclusive access to calculators, spreadsheets, infographics & more by signing up to The Client Library. Can I retire today? That’s the million dollar question that I ask myself from time to time. While I have a spreadsheet that tracks my expenses and provides…