Will you lock up $25,000 to get free mobile subscription for the rest of your life?
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Will you lock up $25,000 to get free mobile subscription for the rest of your life?

Before you read further, this article is not sponsored and the reason why I am using NTUC Income’s VivoCash Prime insurance plan as a reference in this article is simply because it’s way too easy generate an online quotation with relevant benefits illustrations through their online life insurance platform without going through an insurance agent….

Sandwich Generation: Help your kids escape the same fate

Sandwich Generation: Help your kids escape the same fate

NTUC Income just launched a viral marketing video that complements their recent study on the Sandwich Generation and how Singaporeans view their financial future. I know it’s becoming viral because my friends who aren’t great at financial planning started posting the video in Facebook. In case you’ve not watched it before, here’s the video. Warning:…

Reader Question: Should I surrender my annuity and top up my CPF Retirement Account?

Reader Question: Should I surrender my annuity and top up my CPF Retirement Account?

Last week, I received an email from a reader asking for my opinion if she should surrender her annuity and top up her CPF Retirement Account to get a higher monthly payout from CPF Life. Grab a cup of coffee while you read this article because it’s going to be a long one. Here’s how…

Getting my feet wet with dividend investing with NetLink Trust

Getting my feet wet with dividend investing with NetLink Trust

It’s been 4 years since I’ve held any individual stocks in my portfolio. I decided to explore the markets again for stocks to build a portfolio on top of my existing ETF investment portfolio using spare cash that I have accumulated from surplus in my monthly budget. Based on my calculations, the ETF investment portfolio…

Why SG Budget Babe Readers’ Investment Workshop is a godsend for beginner investors

Why SG Budget Babe Readers’ Investment Workshop is a godsend for beginner investors

This blog article is not sponsored and although I attended the workshop with a free ticket, the contents in this article are purely my own opinion. After I attended the Seedly Personal Finance Festival, I walked away determined to learn more about investing on my own. When I was given an opportunity to attend a…

By popular demand: My favourite slides from the Seedly Personal Finance Festival
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By popular demand: My favourite slides from the Seedly Personal Finance Festival

Many readers have emailed me asking if I could share photos of the slides taken from the festival. Here are my favourite slides that were presented by the various speakers. I must highlight that it’s easy to take the images out of context if you weren’t present at the festival and heard it first hand…