Getting the maximum payout with CPF Life plans and private annuities

Getting the maximum payout with CPF Life plans and private annuities

In my last article about CPF Life policy changes, I’ve analysed how the policy changes will affect my retirement plans and how I would aim to achieve the target of my projected Full Retirement Sum at the age of 55. Ever since changes to CPF Life plans were announced this year, I’ve been been thinking of…

Retirement lessons I learnt from long distance cycling last weekend

Retirement lessons I learnt from long distance cycling last weekend

I can pretty much consider October as the charity month of 2015 for me, having participated in a few charity events this month and the main highlight is Ride for Rainbows, a fundraising cycling event that is organised by Club Rainbow. Club Rainbow (Singapore) is a charitable organisation that relies solely on donations from compassionate corporations and kind-hearted individuals…

How Budget 2015 impacts my retirement plans

How Budget 2015 impacts my retirement plans

Over the past week, the local media has been giving bite-sized news about what’s going to be announced in Singapore Budget 2015 plan and today, the Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, Tharman Shanmugaratnam gave the speech to give the full details about Singapore Budget 2015 on local television. I didn’t really care much about…

My brief conversation with a Sydney taxi driver on his retirement plans

My brief conversation with a Sydney taxi driver on his retirement plans

On the way to the Sydney airport for my flight back to Singapore, I had an interesting conversation with the taxi driver who picked me up. Let’s call him, R. His life history R is a 50 year old Australia who used to be a Russian military officer. When the Russian military ordered R to…

4 reasons why annuities may not be good for your retirement portfolio
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4 reasons why annuities may not be good for your retirement portfolio

I’ve covered what are annuities and what they could do for your retirement portfolio in my earlier post. In this post, I want to provide a different perspective about annuities and why you may not want to have them in your retirement portfolio to give an all-round view about annuities. Like all financial products, there…