I am switching to Endowus for my SRS investments and here’s why

I am switching to Endowus for my SRS investments and here’s why

Since 2014, I’ve been topping up my Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) account and investing through OCBC’s Blue Chip Investment Plan (BCIP), buying into Nikko AM Singapore STI ETF stocks each month in a dollar cost averaging manner. For a lazy investor like me, this works really well because just like my cash investments through AutoWealth,…

What is the Wuhan Coronavirus and will it change your investment strategy?

What is the Wuhan Coronavirus and will it change your investment strategy?

The biggest topic trending on the streets for the past few days has been the Wuhan Coronavirus that has infected thousands and spread to multiple countries so far. I’m not going to post any statistics here because those numbers are meaningless and you should check official sources for real-time statistics. One of the major challenges…

Getting my feet wet with dividend investing with NetLink Trust

Getting my feet wet with dividend investing with NetLink Trust

It’s been 4 years since I’ve held any individual stocks in my portfolio. I decided to explore the markets again for stocks to build a portfolio on top of my existing ETF investment portfolio using spare cash that I have accumulated from surplus in my monthly budget. Based on my calculations, the ETF investment portfolio…

Why SG Budget Babe Readers’ Investment Workshop is a godsend for beginner investors

Why SG Budget Babe Readers’ Investment Workshop is a godsend for beginner investors

This blog article is not sponsored and although I attended the workshop with a free ticket, the contents in this article are purely my own opinion. After I attended the Seedly Personal Finance Festival, I walked away determined to learn more about investing on my own. When I was given an opportunity to attend a…

By popular demand: My favourite slides from the Seedly Personal Finance Festival
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By popular demand: My favourite slides from the Seedly Personal Finance Festival

Many readers have emailed me asking if I could share photos of the slides taken from the festival. Here are my favourite slides that were presented by the various speakers. I must highlight that it’s easy to take the images out of context if you weren’t present at the festival and heard it first hand…