What you should know about Spendee utility NFT launch

What you should know about Spendee utility NFT launch

I have been using Spendee’s mobile app to track my montly expenses before consolidating them manually into my tracker in Google Sheets. The app was great at the start but my experience deteriorated when DBS stopped supporting integration with Salt Edge, the technology partner that Spendee uses to sync transaction data from banks. My disappointment…

How I am adding cryptocurrencies into my savings and investments in 2022
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How I am adding cryptocurrencies into my savings and investments in 2022

Long time readers would know that as an investor, I rarely change my investment philosophy. Once I have decided on a curated portfolio, I would build automated processes to streamline the investment and stay mostly hands off for multiple years. In December 2021, I decided to do a full revamp of my core investment portfolio…

My new core investment portfolio: Sharing my thought process curating it
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My new core investment portfolio: Sharing my thought process curating it

In my earlier article, I mentioned that I have closed my 4-year old portfolio with AutoWealth with the intention to create a new portfolio on my own. After months of conceptualising and research, I’ve finally narrowed down my selection of low-cost ETFs and the allocations for each of them. I don’t think my new portfolio…

Evaluating my 4-year old AutoWealth portfolio and why I’m selling

Evaluating my 4-year old AutoWealth portfolio and why I’m selling

2 weeks ago, I have sold off my AutoWealth investment portfolio that occupied 80% of my Growth Portfolio to reinvest all the money into a DIY portfolio using Interactive Brokers (I’ll share more on that in a later post). I want to first clarify that there’s nothing wrong with AutoWealth and its recommended portfolios and…

Personal updates: Career and Money
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Personal updates: Career and Money

It’s been four months since I last updated my blog. That’s how boring personal finance can be when you build a system around your money. At the start of every month, a portion of my salary is systematically moved into saving goals and another portion gets transferred to AutoWealth to be invested in my investment…

3 things you can do if you want to earn a higher salary

3 things you can do if you want to earn a higher salary

I rarely write about Facebook posts because I seldom get triggered by them to do something so this is one of the rare pokemons out there. There was a recent anonymous post that complained about how most post university jobs in Singapore can’t break through the $100,000 annual salary mark, even after 10 years of…