Expense Report: December 2014

Third month into my expense tracking and I already missed doing it on time! I got caught up with the holidays and celebrations that I forgot to update my blog. Luckily I continued to enter my expenses conscientiously on my mobile phone.

My total expenses for December is up to $4397.53 (including fixed expenses of $1900.99). That’s crazy high and above my salary! You must be thinking, ‘How could you overspend your budget like that?’ Well, fortunately I made a decent fortune in the mahjong sessions over the past month so a good portion of my expenses were covered by the winnings.

Party party party! I indulged in several gatherings with my friends this month and shopping expenses definitely hit an all time high this month. I look forward to reducing all these expenses next month. I started planning a bicycle commuting route to my new workplace making use of the Park Connector Network (PCN). While transportation costs form a small percentage of my overall expenses, I hope to see it get reduced and get myself fitter with the physical exercise from all that cycling.

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January Challenge: Clock 175 kilometers mileage on my bicycle.

Transportation: $124.19

Commuting charges on the B.M.W (bus, MRT, walk) went up this month because I took a few more taxi rides at nights.

Food: $655.81

I was surprised I didn’t spend more than $700 in December considering the fact that I was out with friends a lot more. Awesome!

Groceries: $41.07

Groceries went up compared to last month because I was back on my regular diet and cooking more often.

Shopping: $1587.29

My only excuse was that it’s Christmas so I spent more money shopping online and pampering myself. Time to cut that down after December.

Entertainment: $32.58

Entertainment expenses was pretty mild considering the festive season.

Miscellaneous: $55.70

I bought Christmas presents for the gift exchange at parties but I did not splurge on expensive presents.

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