
Four Years Later: What I Wish I Knew Before Retiring Early (Two Sides Of FI)

What Resonated with Me


In “Four Years Later: What I Wish I Knew Before Retiring Early,” Jason reflects on his experiences and lessons learned after retiring early at the age of 47. He discusses key aspects such as managing his portfolio, spending habits, healthcare, mental health, relationships, and finding community. The book offers insights into the realities and challenges of early retirement, highlighting the importance of planning and adaptation.

3 Key Takeaways

Interesting Quotes

“Everyone who is pre-FI is always so focused on the numbers, the portfolio, and twisting the knobs.”
“The micro attention I had on spending has lessened a lot; I’m not so worried about like, oh man, if we exceed this level, it’s all going to fall apart.”
“Retirement is a process; it’s not just an event horizon. It’s about growing and evolving into a different phase of life.”
“The mental journey you go through and how your relationships evolve as a result of stopping work, that’s the stuff we really have to live in and live with, and that’s going to be different for everybody.”

Other Notes

  • Jason highlights the importance of understanding your actual expenses before retiring and adjusting your lifestyle accordingly. He and his partner practiced this by living on a pre-retirement budget to better prepare for the financial changes.
  • He mentions that both he and his partner have part-time jobs that provide personal spending money, allowing for individual financial independence within their retirement.
  • Jason reflects on the social aspects of retirement, including how to talk about this stage of life with new acquaintances and the challenges of explaining his new identity without a traditional job.
  • The book discusses the unpredictability of future expenses, such as travel in later years, and suggests planning for potential increases rather than assuming a decrease in spending as one ages.
  • Jason emphasizdes that retirement is a continuous journey that involves personal growth and adaptation, rather than a one-time event. He advises retirees to be open to evolving and finding new passions and communities.
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